


Shanthipura village is located at a distance of about 7 km on an invisible hilltop in the town of Nuwara Eliya in the Nuwara Eliya District. Situated at an altitude of about 7339 feet above sea level, it is a beautiful village that is closely related to the cold climate, often filled with white mist. The village is located above sea level. There is no other village above it. The village can be described as the highest point where you can touch the clouds floating in the sky. At present there are about 900 families living in this fully equipped village. However, due to the visitor center that has already been built near the city, this village has been able to attract local and foreign tourists. When you go up to the viewing platform and look a little to the southeast, you can see the sky pool of Nuwara Eliya, Lake Gregory, as beautiful as a picture created in the sky. Haggala Malwatta is visible from the edge of the lake.

Located in: Seetha Eliya
Traveling Time: 18 min (8.2 km) Nuwara Eliya Town to Aadishakti Seeta Amman Temple (Sita Mata Temple)


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